Wednesday, November 27, 2019

† St. Francis Fasani † (November 27)

† Saint of the Day †
(November 27)

✠ St. Francis Fasani ✠

Italian Friar:

Born: Giovanniello Fasani
August 6, 1681
Lucera, Foggia, Kingdom of Naples

Died: November 29, 1742
Lucera, Foggia, Kingdom of Naples

Venerated in:
Roman Catholic Church
(Franciscan Order)

Beatified: April 15, 1951
Pope Pius XII

Canonized: April 13, 1986
Pope John Paul II

Feast: November 27

Patronage: Lucera

Saint Francis Anthony Fasani, was an Italian friar of the Order of Conventual Friars Minor who has been declared a saint by the Catholic Church.

He was a friend of another Conventual friar, the Blessed Antonio Lucci.

Early life :
He was born Giovanniello Fasani on 6 August 1681 in Lucera, in the Province of Foggia, then part of the Kingdom of Naples. He was the son of Giuseppe Fasani and Isabella della Monaca. He began his studies at the Conventual friary in his town and there entered the Order, taking the religious names of Saints Francis and Anthony. Fasani professed his religious vows in 1696.

Religious Life :
Once having professed his vows, Fasani began theological studies in Agnone and continued them in the General Study Centre at Assisi, close to the tomb of St. Francis. It was there that Fasani was ordained to the priesthood in 1705. He stayed in Assisi and completed his theological studies there in 1707.

From 1707 until his death in 1742, Fasani spent the rest of life in residence in his hometown of Lucera and endeared himself to the faithful of that town and all of Daunia and Molise. In 1709, he received the degree of Doctor of Theology and, from that time on, Fasani became known to all as "Padre Maestro" ("Father Master"), a title which is still attributed to him today in Lucera. Fasani also fulfilled many duties in the Franciscan Order, being a respected teacher of scholastic philosophy and was entrusted with the position of Master of novices and the junior professed friars. He was later appointed to serve as the guardian of the community of friars and the pastor of the town. He came to be elected Minister Provincial of his province in the Order. As a worthy ministry of "the one who uninterruptedly exercises his priestly mission for us in the Liturgy through the Spirit", Fr. Fasani dedicated himself with zeal-especially the administration of the sacrament of Penance and the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. "He heard the confession of every type of person," asserted a witness, "with the greatest patience and kindness on his face". He was charitable and welcoming to all, giving as his reason the hope of being able one day to say to the Lord: "I was indulgent, I don't deny it; but it was You who taught me to be so."

Fasani was known for having a deep life of prayer and was considered to be a mystic, becoming greatly in demand as a confessor and preacher. He constantly preached popular parish missions, gave retreats and led Lenten devotions and novenas - either in his own town or wherever he was requested. It was reported by his contemporaries that he would levitate while at prayer. At the same time, he was a steadfast friend of the poor, constantly seeking out the financial support necessary for efforts to meet their needs.

Fasani died in Lucera and was buried in the parish church there. Upon the news of his death, children could be heard running through the streets shouting, "The saint is dead! The saint is dead!"

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